Friday, October 3, 2008

The Vice-Presidential Debate

This editorial is about the “The Vice-Presidential Debate” and the author of this article is trying to best let us know who is better prepared and more qualified for the vice presidency. The author is directing this article to the American public and to help voters make their decision on whom to vote for.
In this article the author lets us know how Sarah Palin is very much not qualified for the vice presidency job. He points out a lot of mistakes she makes thru out the debate for example when she was asked about the prep on Afghanistan and on how the commander didn’t agree with “McCain’s call on Iraq-style ‘surge’ in Afghanistan.” He writes “Ms. Palin tried to contradict him, but the most memorable part of her answer was that she got the general’s name wrong.” This shows she has very little knowledge about what was going on in that problem.
The author describes Ms. Palin as a “Newcomer” and shows that she is not the one to be a vice-president. She avoids questions on the debate and tries to be funny and enthusiasm and talks about soccer moms and such to exclude some answers. She repeats a lot of things and calls Mr. McCain and herself as “Mavericks”. Some of the comments she makes are very awkward and the author points it out by saying “Ms. Palin condemned Wall Street greed and said she and Mr. McCain would “demand” strict oversight. In virtually the next breath, she said government should “get out of the way” of American business.” The government has to have some control over the American businesses.
I agree with the authors claim I saw the debate and it was funny to me how somebody could let her go up there with so little preparation. I don’t know what McCain was thinking but I think that debate cost him the presidency. She looked lost up there and repeated a lot of stuff.

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