Thursday, October 30, 2008

Does race really matter?

As the day comes closer and closer for election days the American society is waiting to see who they’re next leader is going to be. Is it going to be Obama or McCain? That’s the million dollar question. The next president has a lot of difficult obligations such as the bailout, the war you get my point. Great deals of Americans are choosing their candidates for the wrong things. Some people are picking Obama because he is black and some are supporting him because he is black.
I was reading this article last year and they did and a survey on Americans that wouldn’t care about Barack Obama’s race and would vote for him if he stood for what they believed in and 94 percent of Americans said they would vote for him but six percent said they wouldn’t 6 percent that don’t seem like a lot but that’s 18 million people that wouldn’t vote for Obama just because his black. What is wrong with our society that our state of mind is drove by a man’s skin color. Do we think just because he is black once he is elected he is just going to turn gangster and bring all the home boys to the white house and get jiggy.
Most black people are going to vote for Obama just because he is black. They might not know anything about him but I guarantee they’re going to vote for him. Population of blacks in America 38 million that gives Obama at least a guaranteed 35 million votes just because of his race. It shouldn’t be anything like this our president should be picked because he was the best man for the job.


Andrew Maniaci said...

You are right! It disgusts me that so many people are still cursed with racism. I honestly do not understand it. Everyone is human, and that is what counts. If Obama was a horse, then he should stick out, but he is only a man. Obama received about 96% of the black vote on November 4. I would not be surprised if most of the people in that 96% only voted for Obama because he is black. It is a bit ironic if you ask me. I do not want to sound racist, but it seems to me like the black population is always the first group of people to bring up racism, and complain about it. But then we see 96% of African-Americans vote for the black candidate. All I am saying is, if Obama was white, he would have lost a large percent of the black votes.

Ben Burrito said...

I agree and disagree with parts of your post. I agree 100% with you when you say that, “our president should be picked because he was the best man for the job” and not because of the color of his skin. Unfortunately, that was not the case with this election, in my opinion. I disagree with your comment about the 18 million Americans, who won’t vote for Obama because they are basing their vote on the color of his skin and they believe that since “he is black once he is elected he is just going to turn gangster and bring all the home boys to the white house and get jiggy.” You are not giving any statistical proof of their reason for not voting for him. Did you consider that, like me, they did not consider him to be the most qualified candidate to entrust with running our country? Another reason I disagree with this comment, is because you could assume the same thing for the 35 million black voters who did vote for Obama and not McCain. What, are they afraid McCain is going to turn all “crackery” and bring all his old folks- home boys to the white house and get all senile? I find it quite ironic how when a “white person” says they aren’t going to vote for a “black person” it is considered racism, but when a “black person” says they aren’t going to vote for a “white person” or a “black person” no one really thinks about it and lets it slide by. Who is being the racist now? Okay… enough venting from me. We, as voting citizens, need to research the candidates and base our vote on platform beliefs and past performance rather than the color of their skin. Overall, the post had a great point, but poor execution. Next time, read what you have written and check for spelling, grammar, diction, and then just make sure it all flows. It took me four times of reading it to try to understand the point you were trying to get across.

lkwaz said...

Finally prayers that had long being awaited for were aswered when Obama was pronounces the president elect on Nov 4th 2008.History has been made as Obama is pronounced the first black president of America.this goes to Answer Yohannes blog question; Does race really matter?
I supposrt him when he says that it was uncertain if people were going to vote for Obama or not purely on race or what he claimed to deliver to the American people.Change was surely witnessed when he won the election proving that race,which had been a long time strungle was not an issue anymore.He got many votes from different people around the states who did not care much about his colour skin but what he truly had.This opens up a way for anyone to do and to be anyone he or she wants to without the dividing line of race,religion,gender,and class.For sure a new door has been opened and this awaited day that our black ancestors had been waiting for has reached.we surely did, we surely can and surely will go somewhere.