Thursday, October 16, 2008

"McCain’s Most Despicable Debate Moment — Demonizing Fairness"

This editorial is about a critical moment in the Obama and McCain debate when McCain accused Obama of “engaging in class warfare and wanting to redistribute income/wealth.” The author is very disturbed with the comment that McCain made. The author conveys republicans as rich and stingy and McCain’s comment would be expected from a republican. The authors intended audiences are democrats and people that follow the presidential debates and people interested in politics.
McCain accuses Obama of taking money from the” patriotic” Americans. The hard working rich and giving in to the poor .McCain says the “undeserving.” The author gives a very good point on how regular tax payers bail out rich millionaires every day he says “we've been reading stories of millionaire bankers being bailed out with a trillion dollars by taxpayers after the bankers …. Squandered trillions of dollars, bankrupt their firms, nearly brought down the world's financial system and caused a deep recession that will cause millions to lose their jobs.” He has a very good claim and shows very good evidence by quoting what McCain said in the debate.
The author’s points out how the middle class people lost everything they had because of these rich people when he says “the middle class has stagnated; they just watched their savings/retirement shrink, their dreams of a secure retirement, homes, covered health and college disappear” when these rich people get richer the middle class are falling off to poverty.
I strongly agree with the author of this article I personally think that the Republican Party stole money from hard working middle class people. The money is not being distributed to the undeserving this people been robbed of their money by their own government they are just reclaiming back their money.

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