Thursday, October 30, 2008

Does race really matter?

As the day comes closer and closer for election days the American society is waiting to see who they’re next leader is going to be. Is it going to be Obama or McCain? That’s the million dollar question. The next president has a lot of difficult obligations such as the bailout, the war you get my point. Great deals of Americans are choosing their candidates for the wrong things. Some people are picking Obama because he is black and some are supporting him because he is black.
I was reading this article last year and they did and a survey on Americans that wouldn’t care about Barack Obama’s race and would vote for him if he stood for what they believed in and 94 percent of Americans said they would vote for him but six percent said they wouldn’t 6 percent that don’t seem like a lot but that’s 18 million people that wouldn’t vote for Obama just because his black. What is wrong with our society that our state of mind is drove by a man’s skin color. Do we think just because he is black once he is elected he is just going to turn gangster and bring all the home boys to the white house and get jiggy.
Most black people are going to vote for Obama just because he is black. They might not know anything about him but I guarantee they’re going to vote for him. Population of blacks in America 38 million that gives Obama at least a guaranteed 35 million votes just because of his race. It shouldn’t be anything like this our president should be picked because he was the best man for the job.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

"McCain’s Most Despicable Debate Moment — Demonizing Fairness"

This editorial is about a critical moment in the Obama and McCain debate when McCain accused Obama of “engaging in class warfare and wanting to redistribute income/wealth.” The author is very disturbed with the comment that McCain made. The author conveys republicans as rich and stingy and McCain’s comment would be expected from a republican. The authors intended audiences are democrats and people that follow the presidential debates and people interested in politics.
McCain accuses Obama of taking money from the” patriotic” Americans. The hard working rich and giving in to the poor .McCain says the “undeserving.” The author gives a very good point on how regular tax payers bail out rich millionaires every day he says “we've been reading stories of millionaire bankers being bailed out with a trillion dollars by taxpayers after the bankers …. Squandered trillions of dollars, bankrupt their firms, nearly brought down the world's financial system and caused a deep recession that will cause millions to lose their jobs.” He has a very good claim and shows very good evidence by quoting what McCain said in the debate.
The author’s points out how the middle class people lost everything they had because of these rich people when he says “the middle class has stagnated; they just watched their savings/retirement shrink, their dreams of a secure retirement, homes, covered health and college disappear” when these rich people get richer the middle class are falling off to poverty.
I strongly agree with the author of this article I personally think that the Republican Party stole money from hard working middle class people. The money is not being distributed to the undeserving this people been robbed of their money by their own government they are just reclaiming back their money.

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Vice-Presidential Debate

This editorial is about the “The Vice-Presidential Debate” and the author of this article is trying to best let us know who is better prepared and more qualified for the vice presidency. The author is directing this article to the American public and to help voters make their decision on whom to vote for.
In this article the author lets us know how Sarah Palin is very much not qualified for the vice presidency job. He points out a lot of mistakes she makes thru out the debate for example when she was asked about the prep on Afghanistan and on how the commander didn’t agree with “McCain’s call on Iraq-style ‘surge’ in Afghanistan.” He writes “Ms. Palin tried to contradict him, but the most memorable part of her answer was that she got the general’s name wrong.” This shows she has very little knowledge about what was going on in that problem.
The author describes Ms. Palin as a “Newcomer” and shows that she is not the one to be a vice-president. She avoids questions on the debate and tries to be funny and enthusiasm and talks about soccer moms and such to exclude some answers. She repeats a lot of things and calls Mr. McCain and herself as “Mavericks”. Some of the comments she makes are very awkward and the author points it out by saying “Ms. Palin condemned Wall Street greed and said she and Mr. McCain would “demand” strict oversight. In virtually the next breath, she said government should “get out of the way” of American business.” The government has to have some control over the American businesses.
I agree with the authors claim I saw the debate and it was funny to me how somebody could let her go up there with so little preparation. I don’t know what McCain was thinking but I think that debate cost him the presidency. She looked lost up there and repeated a lot of stuff.