Saturday, November 29, 2008

expectations for Obama

Obama’s victory was a joyful moment for a lot of people but I don’t know how long the joy will last. Obama faces a lot of controversial issues. Our country is in a economical crisis with lack of jobs, employees being fired. Obama promised a lot of things and if he doesn’t fulfill his promises he might be in a great deal of trouble. Americas economy is in a very deep hole So is Obama up to the task, is he going to rise to the occasion and succeed.
Obama has a lot of work to do and is on the bottom and has to reach the top for the American people to trust him. We seen throughout the debates and interview he is a great speaker. Obama can talk the talk but can he walk the walk we have to wait and see. Obama has a lot of pressure put upon him by the American public and being the first black president adds up to that pressure. A lot of people think everything is going to change as soon as Barack is president but it takes time for our economy to rise and be as it uses to be.
I truly believe Obama is going to do his best to help our economy but I don’t know if his best is good enough. He has a very busy time ahead of him and will probably be questioned about a lot of stuff he does but he needs to stay strong and not crumble under pressure

Friday, November 14, 2008


I agree with what you said just because a black president is elected doesn’t mean minorities are off the hook. There is still going to be discrimination among Americans. Affirmative action can never be discarded because there a great deal of people that are still racist or discriminate against minorities. We have broke thru a wall of racism and now seen a black president and the world is changing before our eyes for the better, maybe we will see a Hispanic or another minority in our life time.